Friday, June 22, 2012

heartache overwhelming

DOB: 2007
Diagnosis: irritated intestines, gastritis, epilepsy
Gemma was raised by her birth mother until she was 2 years old. At that time, she was placed in an orphanage where she received very little medical intervention or care for her development. She’s now almost 5 years old and weighs just 18 pounds. She is delayed in all aspects of her development and spends a majority of her time laying in a crib. Due to problems with her intestines, she often gets bloated after eating and possibly experiences reflux as well.

Reality sucks sometimes.  It is fact that this child was raised by her birth mother for 2 years before coming to the orphanage.  I don't know what that reality was like for her.  But, truth is, reality at the orphanage is that she is not, and never has, received the attention and medical intervention and just plain old every day care that she needs. 5 years old, 18 pounds.  Why is this ok?  When are we going to step up to the plate and say this is NOT okay?  When are we going to step out of our comfort zone and do something?  This child has 2 months for a family to step up.  Otherwise her file gets sent back, and she remains in a crib.  There are so many, just like her.  I am overwhelmed by the sheer greatness of heartache I have for these children.

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