You wake up sick. And I mean SICK. Fever, cough, runny nose, OD on Nyquil type sick. I walk out of my bedroom and a certain 4 year old is lying on the floor outside my door. He only ever does that when he's sick. "oh no, Trouble #3 is sick.", say I. "Yeah.", states Trouble 1 and 2 sitting in the family room watching TV. "He puked". Puked? Oh no, "where?" I yell. In his bed. Ok, containment, that's good. I strip the sheets, start the laundry, cancel therapy, rearrange my day. Now I have to go to the market now,as opposed to after therapy. I tell the kids to get ready for co-op and I run to the store. Ginger ale, rice, gatorade, chicken broth, salsa. Stuff for sickness. Come home kids help carry in bags. Babe is running around outside with just a diaper. Get her inside I think as I shoo with my foot holding all my bags. I hear glass breakage behind me. "Oh oh" says sufer gal. Deal with it after Babe is inside. In the kitchen Trouble #2 is screaming, yes screaming, something about she needed help, it was too heavy, yada, yada. I see the problem. She carried in the apple cider I had just bought as a surprise. The gallon of apple cider. Apparently a gallon of liquid is too heavy for her to carry and she just dropped it. On the floor. Too which the cheap plastic split, spilling said apple cider all over kitchen floor. Let's refresh...I'm sicker than sick, puke upstairs, salsa on driveway, apple cider in kitchen, baby in a diaper, running late for co-op. Awesome. Some days you just need a do over. Then you have a hurricane 4 days later and lose electricity for 4 days. Sometimes the whole week need to be a do over.
Just to clarify, the glass did get picked up, salsa washed off driveway, kitchen floor got scrubbed, diaper changed, kids got to co-op, I bought new apple cider and salsa, had chicken soup for dinner, and everybody got to bed early. It was a 24 hour puke virus that was contained to one kid. I went to the Dr.. It was a learning grateful for the little things. :)
It's been forever but wanted to stop over and say hi! Paisley's mom, Renee.... Not sure if you remember us. Anyway, feel better and stop over at our new blog when you have a chance. Take care, Renee