Look at this face! How kissable are those cheeks? I can't stand it. This is "Stella". She lives in a country on the other side of the world. "Stella " just turned 4. Same age as my trouble#3. An absolute wonderful age. Full of life, fun, and learning. "Stella" will soon be transferred to an institution. There is no one to kiss those cheeks at night. No one to brush that hair, and adorn it with pretty barrettes and bows. An institution is not a place for
anyone, let alone a 4 year old. I get so overwhelmed by the absolute hugeness of the orphan problem. I look at all those faces staring back at me and think, "what can I do Lord? I'm just a suburban stay at home mom. I'm no one special." But then in the stillness and absolute quiet of my prayers I hear "1". "Look at 1". In Mark 1:29-30 we read about Jesus healing a leper. It doesn't tell us Jesus healed them all. Jesus healed
ONE. So, I'm focusing on 1. This month my family is focusing on "Stella". A 4 year old little girl who desperately needs someone to love her. She needs a mommy to hug and kiss her, and a daddy to make her his princess. We will be saving our excess change and donating it to her adoption fund. We will be praying for her daily, that she would be healthy and well cared for, and that her family would find her. That those cheeks, those beautiful, fantastical, loveable, squeezable cheeks would be kissed, more sooner than later.
"In the same way your Father in Heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish" -Matthew 18:14
June is also HIV awareness month. Check out
www.projecthopeful.org. What an awesome organization. I can't say enough about the Twietmeyer family. I want to be like them when I grow up. Please support this organization. Learn it and then pay it forward. Truth is contagious.
WE met her! She's a cutie :)