Ok, I admit I watched Mr. Rogers every day growing up, and I loved him. Surfer Dude watched him in his early years, before the show went off air. We loved Mr. Rogers. We miss Mr. Rogers. They just don't have quality TV like this anymore. This totally rocks! I think Mr. Rogers would like it. We need more Mr. Rogers, less SpongeBob.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
What was once old, is now new again
Ok, I admit I watched Mr. Rogers every day growing up, and I loved him. Surfer Dude watched him in his early years, before the show went off air. We loved Mr. Rogers. We miss Mr. Rogers. They just don't have quality TV like this anymore. This totally rocks! I think Mr. Rogers would like it. We need more Mr. Rogers, less SpongeBob.
Friday, June 22, 2012
heartache overwhelming
DOB: 2007
Diagnosis: irritated intestines, gastritis, epilepsy
Gemma was raised by her birth mother until she was 2 years old. At
that time, she was placed in an orphanage where she received very little
medical intervention or care for her development. She’s now almost 5
years old and weighs just 18 pounds. She is delayed in all aspects of
her development and spends a majority of her time laying in a crib. Due
to problems with her intestines, she often gets bloated after eating and
possibly experiences reflux as well.
Reality sucks sometimes. It is fact that this child was raised by her birth mother for 2 years before coming to the orphanage. I don't know what that reality was like for her. But, truth is, reality at the orphanage is that she is not, and never has, received the attention and medical intervention and just plain old every day care that she needs. 5 years old, 18 pounds. Why is this ok? When are we going to step up to the plate and say this is NOT okay? When are we going to step out of our comfort zone and do something? This child has 2 months for a family to step up. Otherwise her file gets sent back, and she remains in a crib. There are so many, just like her. I am overwhelmed by the sheer greatness of heartache I have for these children. www.reecesrainbow.org
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Game Ball
It was a bittersweet day. We had our last T-ball game. We had a great team this year. Our coaches were fantastical, and the team parents were a lot of fun to hang around with. We really enjoyed the games. The kids had a blast! They are stoked for next year. Every game a new player got a game ball. The coaches were so good at picking out something special each child did that particular game as the "reason" they got that particular game ball. By the end of the season every kid had gotten the coveted "GAME BALL". Last game of the season, do you know what our coaches did? They gave every kid on the team a "GAME BALL". What a great group of guys. My kids were so excited.
As tiring as spending a day at the fields could be, we really enjoyed this baseball season. I became quite good at making picnics for us to partake in, so we were not spending a fortune at the snack bar. We had a bag of toys and a blanket for the babe to keep her occupied, as well as bug spray,sunscreen, and cases upon cases of gatorade and juice bags. We won some, we lost some, we tied lots (t-ball and coach pitch don't keep score). We ate dust, sat through rain, had our fair share of hotdogs, and spit sunflower seeds. We cheered, we didn't boo, we clapped, we laughed, we bit our nails with suspense, we volunteered, we coached (even when we weren't supposed to). It was a good time. I am grateful for our little league. Not all little leagues are like ours; I know; we've been in them. But, we finally found a good one. And I am so grateful. It is filled with wonderful coaches, great kids, awesome parents, and wholesome ideas, and the snack bar serves a mean burger - hot off the grill. Thank you Upper Providence Little League, for another year of fond memories.
As tiring as spending a day at the fields could be, we really enjoyed this baseball season. I became quite good at making picnics for us to partake in, so we were not spending a fortune at the snack bar. We had a bag of toys and a blanket for the babe to keep her occupied, as well as bug spray,sunscreen, and cases upon cases of gatorade and juice bags. We won some, we lost some, we tied lots (t-ball and coach pitch don't keep score). We ate dust, sat through rain, had our fair share of hotdogs, and spit sunflower seeds. We cheered, we didn't boo, we clapped, we laughed, we bit our nails with suspense, we volunteered, we coached (even when we weren't supposed to). It was a good time. I am grateful for our little league. Not all little leagues are like ours; I know; we've been in them. But, we finally found a good one. And I am so grateful. It is filled with wonderful coaches, great kids, awesome parents, and wholesome ideas, and the snack bar serves a mean burger - hot off the grill. Thank you Upper Providence Little League, for another year of fond memories.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Schools out...for the summer!
"Behold, children are a gift from the Lord," -Psalm 127:3
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Start with one

June is also HIV awareness month. Check out www.projecthopeful.org. What an awesome organization. I can't say enough about the Twietmeyer family. I want to be like them when I grow up. Please support this organization. Learn it and then pay it forward. Truth is contagious.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Take Me Out To The Ball Fields
This spring has been crazy hectic busy around here. We have 4 kids on 3 little league teams. Trouble x2 and x3 are on t-ball this year. What a hoot. Troublex3 just stands around and smiles. Always smiling. He even got the game ball one game for being the happiest player (and trying to switch hit). Trouble x2 thinks she is ready for the major softball league, and gymnastics, and the swim team, and the equestrian team, and the Russian ballet trop, and college. She did really enjoy herself, focused so intently on looking like she knew what she was doing. We had AWESOME t-ball coaches! I am hoping they continue to coach through the years, and at the different levels. It was a good team, lots of fun. Trouble x1 was in coach pitch. Not my favorite, but I go and show my support. Cheering and yelling from the sidelines. They can be some slow moving games. They know enough to not be as cute as t-ball but not enough to make it very exciting. Still, by the end of the year we had kids actually making catches in the infield, throwing kids out and hitting without the tee. Trouble x1 has no problems slugging the ball. Very first game he gets up and hits a double. And being Ethiopian, he is fast (not that all Ethiopians are fast, troublex3 is certainly not, but x1 is wicked fast!). Catching, well, we needed some help. At one point the ball hit him and gave him a bloody nose, another game it knocked a tooth loose (baby tooth thankfully. Tooth Fairy was on high alert for the next 24 hours). He is determined however. He goes outside and practices every day. With only 2 games left he has gotten much better. Next year he'll move on to machine pitch. And the excitement will build all over. Hot dogs from the snack bar, playground friends, games under the lights, entire days spent at the fields, picnics, and dusty clothes. Hopefully we won't have white pants. White pants and little league just. don't. mix.
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