Life slips by at warp speed. I've noticed that the older I get, the faster life speeds by. I gave up on blogging. It just took too much time away from my family, I need my beauty sleep, and nobody but my family reads it anyway. But here I am 2 years later, adding to it. I like to add to it for my kids. So they can read and remember. Or maybe so
I can read and remember. Whatever. Our kids are now 14,12,7,7,6, and 3. Trouble#3 turned 6 yesterday. His siblings surprised him by decorating the house while we were out at therapy and had a "surprise party", complete with jello, when we returned. (They are such awesome siblings!!) He is so loved. He was so excited. He walked around to each one, giving them a hug and saying thank-you. Such sweetness I could get cavities. Six years old. He came home at 6 months. 12 pounds, not able to even hold his head up. At this moment he is outside sledding. Sledding in our newly fallen 12 inches of snow. Plowing through a foot of snow like a champ. Last night they were sock-speed skating around our kitchen for the gold.

The kid can light up a room with his smile. Everyone loves his smile. As everyone should. He will always be my baby boy. He is my "Jep". (If you watch Duck Dynasty, his favorite show, you'll totally know what that means :) ) Mommy loves you my littlest boy. You are such a total blessing to me. My every-year-valentine. oxoxoxoxox